Ingrida Baranauskiene, Klaipeda University, Lithuania, Faculty of Health Sciences
Doctor in social sciences, Professor. Klaipeda University, Lithuania, Faculty of Health Sciences. Scientific area of work and research: Social welfare in disability studies.
Editor-in-chief of the journal “Social Welfare: Interdisciplinary approach” (CA WOS); Title of Honorary Professor of the Open International University of Human development “Ukraine” (Ukraine); Member of the committee for joint PhD studies in the field of Educology in Lithuania; Expert of Scientific Council in Latvia; Expert of the Science Database Lituanistika; Author and co-author of 80 scientific publications; Head of 11 EU projects.
Theme for SIIE2019: Children with disabilities and emotional difficulties in the medical care system.
Gemma Filella Guiu – Universidade de Lieida, España
Degree in Philosophy and Literature (Pedagogy) and PhD in Educational Sciences; Full Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Lleida (UdL); Works as a lecturer on research methods in education and professional and educational guidance; Coordinator of the Research Group in Psychopedagogical Orientation of the UdL; Coordinator of the Scientific-Technical Service of the UdL “Improvement of coexistence in educational centers”; Coordinator of the Postgraduation on Emotional Education. Author of scientific articles and books, namely the book Aprender a Convivir published by Barcanova, receiving the EDU21 2013 Award.
Theme for SIIE2019: Emotions Management
Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras (sección Pedagogía) y doctora en Ciencias de la Educación; Profesora Titular del Departamento de Pedagogía y Psicología de la Universidad de Lleida; Imparte docencia sobre métodos de investigación en educación y orientación profesional y educativa; Coordinadora del Grupo de Investigación en Orientación Psicopedagógica de la UdL; Coordinadora del Servicio Científico-Técnico de la UdL “Mejora de la convivencia en los centros educativos”; Coordinadora del Postgrado de Educación Emocional. Autora de artículos científicos y libros, destacar el libro Aprender a Convivir publicado por la editorial Barcanova, fruto del Premio EDU21 2013.
Sonja Alimovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
After finishing Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Zagreb, she took her Master of Arts (MA) in Children and Adolescent Psychiatry and her PhD in Biomedicine and Health at the University of Zagreb, School of Medicine. From 2003 to 2015 she worked as a special education and rehabilitation teacher with children with visual impairment and multiple disabilities and their families in kindergarten, and later in day care centre as an early intervention therapist. During this period she worked as an Associate lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences and School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Since 2015 she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, she is involved in several projects (Visual impairment in children with intellectual disabilities, Cerebral visual impairment in children, Erasmus + Project PSI Well).
Theme for SIIE2019: Emotional and behavioural problems of children with visual impairment and intellectual disability
Ana Wagner-Jakab, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Assistant Professor: Educational and social inclusion, Families of children with disabilities, Learning disabilities, Multiple disabilities; She is employed at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation sciences, University of Zagreb as researcher and lecturer from 1998. till today. Wagner-Jakab participated as researcher in 10 scientific projects. She published 17 scientific papers and presented communications 30 times at different national and international conferences. Ana Wagner-Jakab is president of the NGO Korablja that is part of L’Arc International. She is married and mother of a daughter and a son.
Theme for SIIE2019: The effect of spirituality on relationship quality and satisfaction among parents of children with disabilities.
Celeste Simões, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana/Universidade de Lisboa
Scientific area of work and research: Resilience, Social and Emotional Competencies, Health Promotion and Education, Risk Behaviours in Adolescence
She is an Assistant Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon; Bachelor in Special Education and Rehabilitation, master in social psychology, PhD in Special Education (risk behaviours in adolescence) and has done her aggregation in Education Sciences. She is a researcher of the Social Adventure project and member of the Environmental Health Institute Research Center from the Lisbon Faculty of Medicine. She coordinates research projects on resilience, some of them developed under international partnerships and authors several publications and presentations at national and international scientific events.
Theme for SIIE2019: Resilience Promotion in Portugal.
Natalija Lisak, University of Zagreb (UZb), Croatia
Scientific area and research interest: rights of people with disabilities, social inclusion, educational inclusion, quality of life of the family with disabilities, politics towards persons with disabilities
Assistant Professor; Her scientific interests are focused on educational and social inclusion, and the rights of people with disabilities. She is an expert in both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. She is also focused on counselling of parents of children with intellectual disabilities based on the significant events in their life courses colleceted through their life stories.
Theme for SIIE2019: Support for inclusion of families with children with disabilities: predictors for satisfaction within partner’s relationship.
Alcina Nunes, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
She is a Professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal, where she teaches several subjects in the area of Economics and Management, she is the responsible for the bachelor degree in International Business Management (European Degree) and a research member of UNIAG, a research unit funded by FCT. With a PhD in Mathematical Economics and Econometric Models her actual research concerns the econometric evaluation of public policies, namely the labour market, health, gender and development policies, entrepreneurship and business demography. She has also collaborated with the Group of Economic Studies of the Portuguese Economics Ministry, the Group of Economics and Monetary Studies of the University of Coimbra and with several universities as an invited lecturer, while she publishes several scientific articles and book chapters.
Theme for SIIE2019: The Economics of Happiness.
Maria Augusta Romão da Veiga Branco, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
She is a Coordinating Professor at the School of Health (ESSA) of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) teaching Pedagogy, Gerontology, Communication and Counselling; she coordinates the Graduate Program in Emotional Education; Department of Social Sciences and Gerontology, ESSA. She is a Doctor in Education Sciences (FPCEUP), holds a Master in Health Education (UTAD, Vila Real), Neuroeducation PG , (INSPSI). She is the headof Paideia – Open Platform – International Association for the Development of Emotional Education . RECI Integrated Researcher: (Research in Education and Community Intervention); Reviewer of KJEP’s (Journal of Educational Policy, Seoul); Editorial board member of the Universal Journal of Educational Research of Horizon Research Publishing (HRPUB) link: .

Aurora Adina Colomeischi, Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania
Adina Colomeischi is Associate professor, PhD at Stefan cel Mare University from Suceava, Romania, and she has experience of more than 20 years in the field of psychology and education as a researcher, teacher, counsellor and trainer. She has BA in Psycho-pedagogy and Master Degree in School Counselling. She completed her doctoral studies in Science of Education with a thesis entitled Counselling Strategies and Programs for Social-Emotional Development of Gifted Children. Her teaching areas are: Emotional Education, Psycho-pedagogical counselling, Gifted Education, Teacher training. She has experience as school counsellor and she delivered services of psycho-pedagogical counselling for children, teachers and parents. She is the coordinator of a master program in Counselling and Emotional Education. She has experience as project manager and as a trainer, delivering training for teachers on parents education, emotional education, counselling. She is the project manager of an international Erasmus project focusing on family well-being: Building bridges: Promoting social inclusion and wellbeing for families of children with special needs.
Theme for SIIE2019: Building Bridges – Promotion Social Inclusion and Wellbeing for Families of Children with Special Needs: an European Partnership Experience
Mine Göl GÜVEN, Bogazici University, Turkey
After graduating from Istanbul University, Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling in 1997, Göl-Güven earned her master’s degree from the Department of Child and Family Studies at Syracuse University and completed her Ph.D. at Penn State University, College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She holds a faculty position at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul where she has served as assistant professor since 2006.
She has been working with teachers to promote social-emotional skills in children at school settings. School and program evaluation and pre-service and in-service teachers’ training are her interest areas. She has been conducting studies in collaboration with NGO’s to support adults to develop good relationships with children, to build supportive environments with children, and to develop programs for early childhood settings. Dr. Gol-Guven has been an active member in Peace Education Application and Research Center since 2008. She defines herself as a child friendly researcher who advocates for/with children to communicate, interact and build relationships
Theme for SIIE2019: Setting up a positive emotional climate in a school: why is it important and how can it be done?
Florêncio Vicente de Castro, Universidad Extremadura, Spain
University Professor in Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology and Anthropology. Knowledge area – Evolutive and Education Pshycologie. Doctorate programs Coordinator of more than 60 doctoral theses, with national research awards. Principal researcher in regional, national and international research projects. Director of 10 university master’s degrees. Organizer of multiple congresses, Forums, Symposia, Conferences and courses. Interaciones: Member of the FCT International Evaluation Panel, Portugal. Conselling External Comitté. Investigation groups, Portugal. Member of the ASUCYL Evaluation Committee, MEC Project Evaluator. Research Lines: Psychology and Education; Development Psychology; Life cycle; Integration of Students with Special Educational Needs; Psychology and Quality of Life; Social Context of Development; Third Age; Behavioral analysis; Educational processes; Burnout; Mobbing; Bullying; Social networks.
Theme for SIIE2019: The Power of Positive Emotions
Paula Lebre, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana/Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Social emotional competences, Inclusive Dance and Expressive Therapies, Resilience
- Assistant Professor atDepartamento de Educação Ciências Sociais e Humanidades, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa (FMH-ULISBOA)
- Degree in Physical Education- Special Education and Rehabilitation (FMH-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
- Master in Special Education(leisure and students with special needs. (FMH- Universidade Técnica de Lisboa))
- Doctoral degree in Special Education (Heath behaviours and students with special needs). (FMH-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
- Researcher of the Social Adventure project, INET-MD, Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança- Pólo Dança FMH
- from the FMh-ULISBOA.
- Coordination of research projects on mentoring, NEET, community intervention for inclusion some of them developed under international partnerships.
- Several publications and presentations at national and international events in the scientific areas.
Theme for SIIE2019: Troca a Dar, A Dance movement approach in a Community Intervention Project for social inclusion for people experiencing mental health problems